Friday, January 18, 2013

Spiritual Shift (9) Empire Split

Alexander the Great died in Babylon while still in his early thirties, before having a chance to develop a successor. Four of his generals, quickly split the Greek empire between them.

If Obama is America’s Alexander, he will bring a split in the Western Empire. Since the Second World War, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany have tended to act in unison to achieve common goals. During his presidency, he might do something that brings intense hostility and disunity between the United States its European allies.

Daniel also warned that the power of the United States (represented by a Goat) would wane for a time.

The goat became very great, at the height of his power his large horn was broken off (Dan 8:8).
This temporary weakness will cause some other nations to flex their muscles.
In the place of the large horn, four prominent horns grew up towards the four winds of heaven (Dan 8:8).
These four nations are conspicuous and puffed up. One is probably the United States. Britain and France could be another two. They are pushing their powers all over the world (to the four winds). Germany might be the forth. German has become the major power in Europe and is leading the efforts to deal with the Euro crisis The ascendancy of the latter three nations will not last long, because, they are not real powers, but impostors. When the going gets tough, they will fade away.
Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east (Dan 8:9).
The horn starts off small but grows extremely large. As the other three fade, the United States will recover its confidence and become the dominant power in the world. A new ruthless president might lead this change. The United States will stand alone, but grow to achieve enormous power.

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